To define the Quality Policy for Forensic Analytics Ltd.
Customers, stakeholders, staff and other interested parties.
QCMS: Quality and Compliance Management System
It is the responsibility of the Quality and Compliance team to annually review the Quality Policy and to seek endorsement and authorisation from Forensic Analytics’ Chief Executive.
Forensic Analytics provides digital forensic software, equipment, support, training as well as consultancy and advisory services to public and private sector organisations.
Forensic Analytics will strive to achieve and maintain the highest standards of quality in all aspects of its work and this policy supports delivery of Forensic Analytics’ objectives, products and services. A formal Quality and Compliance Management System (QCMS) defined by relevant legislation, regulation, standards, policies, and processes to meet requirements of customers, stakeholders, staff and other interested parties is in operation. It is through consistent and diligent application of the system that the continuing needs and expectations of customers will be met, improved and the long-term success of Forensic Analytics assured.
Forensic Analytics are committed to high standards of integrity and respect and will ensure:
The objectives of the Forensic Analytics’ QCMS are to:
Forensic Analytics ensure employees, contractors and consultants working for or on behalf of the organisation commit to required confidentiality, continuous improvement, policy, procedures and quality standards. The Quality Policy is communicated and applied at all levels within the company. It is made available upon request to any interested parties and is published on the company website.
Forensic Analytics demonstrates the effectiveness of the QCMS by conformance with certification to the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
This Quality Policy is authorised by Steve Rick, Chief Executive of Forensic Analytics and is subject to regular review to ensure that it remains fit for purpose.
Qualio POL-1 V2.0
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